This simple recipe will show you how to prepare a Spanish dish, Broken eggs Black Pudding. It is a fantastic dish that will amaze you with its simplicity and taste.
Cut the black pudding in slices of half an inch. (1 cm approx.)Try to use a black pudding that is not sweet.
In a pan with a teaspoon of oil, cook the black pudding, also adding a finely sliced clove of garlic. It is quite probable that the black pudding will crumble, don’t worry, that’s perfectly fine.
At the same time that you prepare the black pudding, start frying the fries. You can use fresh or frozen fries; both will be amazing.
Remove the excess oil from the fries. Add salt and pepper to taste. We have also added a teaspoon of paprika. It fits really well.
In the same pan that you have prepared the black pudding, make room in the centre and add the eggs, so they get to cook with the fat from the sausage.This will give them an amazing taste.
Finally, add a layer of fries and the crambled black pudding on top.Add the eggs and mix it all together.And the dish is ready to eat! We hope you enjoy it!
If you like truffle, you can add a little bit of truffle oil on top.
You can also add some grated cheese on top.
Keyword Black Pudding, Broken eggs, Morcilla de Burgos, Spanish Recipe