Crunchy on the outside but melty on the inside, our cod fritters are a reinterpretation with ingredients easy to find and works both as a starter or a main dish. Try them on their own or with some mayo, alioli or mojo verde.
250gcodif it’s salted cod you have to remove the salt the night before in water
a sprigparsleychopped
1medium size onionor two small onions
150mLsparkling water
saltto taste
vegetable/olive oilfor frying
Crumble the cod, making sure there aren’t any fishbone. Cut the onion in quarters.
In a food processor or hand blender at low speed mix the fish, the parsley, garlic onion and some salt to taste. The idea is to get a homogeneous mixture, without it being too fine.
Break and beat 2 eggs in a bowl. Then add the flour (sift it if you can), the yeast and sparkling water. Mix very well.
Add the cod mixture into the bowl and mix very well once more to get a batter as homogeneous as possible.Let it rest for 30 minutes.
When resting time is over, heat some oil in a deep frying pan until it reaches 160°C /320 F.
Then, do a small batch of fritters to see if the batter needs more salt.In order to do it, use a spoon to get some batter and place it right above the frying oil and with a second spoon, slide the mixture into the oil.When the first batch of fritters is ready (they’ll have a brown/golden colour), taste one to check if the batter has enough salt and correct if needed for the following fritters.Every time you finish some, remove the excess oil by placing them on some kitchen towel or grid.