Black garlic aglio e olio

It is very likely you have either tasted or cooked one of the simplest but most delicious pasta recipes: aglio e olio. With just two of the most important ingredients of the Mediterranean cuisine (garlic and olive oil), we can prepare a winner dish.

In our reinterpretation of this recipe we wanted to give it twist to the classic and use as the main protagonist an ingredient that is becoming more and more popular in western cooking: black garlic. This is broadly used in Asian food (particularly Korean and Thai) and bring a sweet and full of umami flavour that reminds us to balsamic vinegar.

Spaghetti with black garlic

Black garlic aglio e olio

Our recipe combines the traditional flavour of aglio e olio with the sweet and sour from the black garlic and some chilli flakes to achieve a dish full of different nuances, flavours and textures. If you prefer a milder version you can definitely skip the chillies.
Cook Time 20 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine fusión, Italian
Servings 2 personas


  • 150 g spaghetti quantity dependins on how much pasta you usually eat
  • 75 mL extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 cloves black garlic
  • 2 cloves raw garlic
  • ½ tablespoon chilli flakes optional
  • water to cook the pasta
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • parmigiano reggiano optional


  • Place a pot with sufficient water to later cook the pasta at high heat.
    Whilst it is increasing its temperature, roughly chop the black garlic. There is no need for precision since black garlic has a very soft and spreadable texture so it will break very easily in the following steps.
    Chop the raw garlic very finely.
    Cloves of black garlic
  • When the water is boiling, add the pasta. Once it starts boiling again, reduce the heat just a bit.
    In the meantime we will prepare the sauce in a separate pan.
    Boil water
  • At low-medium heat, add the olive oil to the pan, the black garlic and chilli flakes. Because of the soft consistency of the garlic, it should be possible to separate it even more.
    After 3 or 4 minutes, add the raw garlic and continue cooking everything together, so that the oil absorbs all the flavour from the garlics and chillies.
    Once the raw garlic starts to brown a little bit, remove the pan from the heat and reserve.
    Infuse olive oil with garlic, black garlic and chilli flakes
  • Once the pasta is completely cooked, strain it and reserve some cooking water (around half a cup).
    This water will be used to emulsify the sauce in the pan.
    Strain pasta and reserve some water
  • Add the pasta to the pan mix very thoroughly. The black garlic will probably break into even smaller pieces.
    Incorporate slowly some cooking water and mix very well with the oil until the desired texture is achieved. It is not necessary to use all the reserved water unless preferred.
    Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.
    Mix very well
  • And that’s it!
    You can add grated parmigiano reggiano once the dish is served. It couples incredibly well with the sauce.


– To decorate your plate you can add some chopped black garlic on top like in the picture.
– If the pasta was getting cold whilst mixing it in the pan with the oil, you can turn the heat on slightly.
Keyword black garlic, garlic, olive oil, spaghetti

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