Shakshuka, A fast and easy meal

Shakshuka is a typical dish from the Middle East that is normally served for breakfast or any other meal. Shakshuka is the Arabic word for “mixture”, as the traditional version consists in a mix of peppers, tomatoes and onions, with some spices and a poached egg on top.

It is a very simple dish, and it uses common ingredients that you can find at any grocery store. In addition, this recipe allows for a multitude of variations: with feta cheese on top, or even with chorizo… We wanted to give it a spicy touch, so we have added some jalapeños on top!


Shakshuka with feta

A very simple recipe done with ingredients that you can find in your pantry. With a pepper, an onion and a can of chopped tomatoes, seasoning with some common spicies, you'll have an amazing dish that will bring you closer to the cuisin of the Middle East.
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Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine Middle East
Servings 2 people


  • 1 onion
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 garlic glove
  • 250 g of finely chopped tomatoes (1 can)
  • Feta queese
  • 2 eggs (1 per person)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 tsp of paprika
  • ½ tsp of cayenne
  • 1 tsp of cumin
  • ½ tsp of sugar (for the tomato acidity)
  • (Optional) 2 Jalapeños


  • Pre-heat oven at 180 °C /350 °F.
  • Chop the onion in thin slices.
    Shakshuka - Cortar Cebolla
  • Slice the pepper.
    Shakshuka - Cortar pimiento
  • Finely chop the garlic.
    Shakshuka - Cortar ajo
  • Dice the feta cheese. We will crumble it later with our hands.
    Shakshuka - Cortar queso feta
  • Incorporate the pepper in a pan with oil at medium heat.
    Shakshuka - pimiento en sarten
  • Add the onion when the pepper has been cooking for about 5 minutes.
    Shakshuka - Anadir cebolla
  • Keep cooking until the onion becomes translucent, and add the garlic.
    Shakshuka - Seguir cocinando
  • Pour the can of tomatoes when the vegetables are well cooked (tender), and reduce the juice for about 5-10 minutes.
    Tips: decrease the acidity of the tomato by adding half a teaspoon of sugar.
    Shakshuka - Anadir tomate
  • Season with:
    – 1 teaspoon of paprika
    – ½ teaspoon of cayenne
    – 1 teaspoon of cumin.
    Shakshuka - Especias
  • Important: Be sure that your pan can be used in the oven. If it cannot, move the content of the pan to an ovenproof recipient.
    Crack the eggs on top of the vegetables and add the feta cheese, crumbling it with your hands.
    We have also added some jalapeños for a more spicy flavour.
    Shakshuka - antes del horno
  • Introduce the pan or other recipient in the oven, preheated at 180 °C / 350 °F.
    Also, add the slices of bread to toast it a little bit.
    Shakshuka - En el horno
  • In 5-8 minutes (depending on how you like the eggs), take the pan and the bread out from the oven.
    And… It is ready to eat!
    Shakshuka - Despues del horno
  • A very usual way of plating this dish consist in putting the shakshuka on a slice of bread, with the egg on top.
    We hope you like it!
Keyword easy, Lunch, Middle East, Shakshuka

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