Canarian Tuna in Salmorejo

Today we bring you a not so well-known dish from the Canarian gastronomy, Tuna in “Salmorejo”. Salmorejo is a kind of marinade that varies a lot from region to region, but in this case, it’s prepared with white wine vinegar, paprika and garlic, giving the tuna a very powerful flavour.

You can typically find this dish in “Guachinches”, a typical establishment in the north zone of Tenerife, where a locally produced wine is served with some traditional food.

It’s a dish that we love. It is prepared with a tuna steak cut in chunks that you let marinate for a day, so the fish gets a deep and complex flavour.

We hope you like it!


Canarian Tuna in Salmorejo

In this recipe, you will learn how to prepare Tuna in Salmorejo, a dish from Tenerife (In the Canaries) that you’ll love if you like strong and intense flavours.
With some common ingredients, you’ll have a fantastic dish.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 1 hr
Cook Time 30 mins
Total Time 1 hr 30 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Canarian
Servings 2 people


  • 2 Tuna Steaks (1 per person)
  • 2 Potatoes (2 or 3 per person if they are small)

For the marinade

  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp. of salt
  • 1 tbsp. of paprika
  • A few sprigs of parsley
  • Half glass of white wine vinegar
  • 4 tbsp. of olive oil


  • Cut the tuna steaks into bite-sized small chunks.
    Reserve for later.
  • We are going to prepare the marinade for the fish. In a mortar, incorporate:
    – 1 tsp of sea salt
    – 2 cloves of garlic
    – 1 tbsp. of paprika
    – Some parsley leaves
    Crush everything very well until you get a paste.
  • Add the content of the mortar into a hand blender beaker, and incorporate:
    – Half glass of white wine vinegar
    – 4 tbsp. of olive oil
    Using a hand blender, mix it until you have a homogeneous liquid.
  • Pour the marinade into a bowl, and add the tuna chunks.
    Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap, and let it marinate for at least a couple of hours (although ideally you should leave it marinating for up to 24 hours).
    The longer it stays there, the stronger the flavour will be.
  • Once the tuna has rested, it is time to cook it. For that, pre-heat the oven to 200°C / 380°F.
    In the meantime, put the tuna on a tray with parchment paper.
    When the oven has reached the temperature, introduce the tray and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes until the tuna starts getting a golden colour.
  • As a side dish, we can prepare some boiled potatoes.
  • In the meantime, we can reduce the marinade to prepare a sauce.
    For that, pour the remaining marinade into a pan at medium heat, and stir occasionally, so it does not burn. Adjust the consistency by letting it reduce or adding some water. Also, you can add more vinegar if you want it more acidic.
    Add salt to taste.
  • Once the tuna is ready, remove it from the oven and add it to the pan with the sauce.
    Let it cook for some minutes, so the tuna gets more flavour.
  • And that’s it. The Tuna in Salmorejo is ready to eat!
    We usually have this incredible dish with some boiled potatoes; they go incredibly well with the fish and the sauce.
    We hope you like it!


This recipe can be served with some Chickpeaks Stew as a starter, they go really well with each other.
Keyword Canary Islands, Guachinche, Tuna in Salmorejo

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